Dr. Nick Cutmore and John Shanahan attended the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) Innovation Conference in Geneva which was an excellent event. MRead has gained a far better understanding of the environment and the challenges facing Humanitarian Demining and people were extremely generous with their support, time and advice. Our side bar discussions alone were worth the trip!
Very many thanks to everyone who gave so much of their time for us. For MRead, being such a new startup, it was absolutely worth the journey from Australia. We particularly enjoyed sharing the stage with Michael Nevard from The HALO Trust and Alejandro Perez from Campaña Colombiana Contra Minas (CCCM) in a technology breakout session. The Australian Mission in Geneva under Ambassador Amanda Gorely were simply outstanding and Gus Ritchie from Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp has been a great source of advice. Finally, a big thanks to GICHD for running the event.