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Successful Brisbane Lane Trials for MRead's Handheld Detector

From August 5-9, 2024, MRead Limited's handheld detector was tested outside the lab for the first time, at the EPE MILTECS site in Brisbane. The sensor's performance not only met but exceeded expectations, proving its robustness and accuracy under intensive testing. This milestone is a testament to the hard work of our team, the innovative scientists at CSIRO who delivered the product and RFC Ambrian who have been the bedrock of our development.

September 6, 2024

The MRead and supporting team at MILTECS in Brisbane for the trials and the sensor in action.

Why does this matter?

Our MVP (minimum viable product) successfully operated across five different soil types at depths down to 13 cm, adhering to the strict United Nations International Mine ActionStandards (IMAS). This achievement sets the stage for our upcoming field trials in Southern Angola with The HALO Trust. The collaboration with theHALO Trust has been instrumental, providing critical insights into both technology and user operator requirements.

Australian Innovation &Collaboration:

We conducted an excellent session with The HALO Trust and we also hosted a visitor day, showcasing the sensor to partners including Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp, Minelab Metal Detectors , Katapult, and EPE. Trusted To Protect. The input from these supporters has been invaluable in enabling us to drive this disruptive technology so far and so fast. An MOU between MRead and EPE further enables a collaborative framework for the development of integrated sensors on robotic platforms in support of humanitarian demining, border security, law enforcement, and defence.

Design & Usability:

Fundamental to the design of the sensor is understanding the user requirement. If it doesn’t look and feel right – it usually isn’t! Our discussions with The HALO Trust, CSIRO, EPE and Katapult on operator form/fit are crucial as we refine the sensor from a prototype into a highly usable and manufacturable system.

Looking Ahead:

It's genuinely exciting to be at the forefront of technology that can make a real difference to deminers and the shattered communities in these war-torn regions. The MOU betweenEPE and MRead establishes a collaborative framework for further integration, testing, evaluation, and enhancing detection capabilities for explosive hazards in these challenging environments.

The trials were, and will continue to be conducted at MILTECS, EPE’s Military Training, Evaluation,Certification, and Systems site which is co-located at the CSIRO Queensland Centre of Advanced Technology (QCAT) in Brisbane. The site enables testing utilising four counter explosive hazards dismounted lanes of various soil types and conditions, ensuring rigorous validation of our sensor’s capabilities.
